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HTTPRequest class
This class encapsulates all the data that is sent to the WebAdmin through one HTTP request. Plugins
receive this class as a parameter to the function handling the web requests, as registered in the
Name | Value | Notes |
FormData |
Array-table of HTTPFormData, contains the values of individual form elements submitted by the client |
Params |
Map-table of parameters given to the request in the URL (?param=value); if a form uses GET method, this is the same as FormData. For each parameter given as "param=value", there is an entry in the table with "param" as its key and "value" as its value. |
PostParams |
Map-table of data posted through a FORM - either a GET or POST method. Logically the same as FormData, but in a map-table format (for each parameter given as "param=value", there is an entry in the table with "param" as its key and "value" as its value). |
Member variables
Name | Type | Notes |
Method |
string |
The HTTP method used to make the request. Usually GET or POST. |
Path |
string |
The Path part of the URL (excluding the parameters) |
string |
The entire URL used for the request. |
Username |
string |
Name of the logged-in user. |