This class describes a player in the server. cPlayer inherits all functions and members of
cPawn. It handles all the aspects of the gameplay, such as hunger, sprinting, inventory
Name | Parameters | Return value | Notes |
AddFoodExhaustion |
Exhaustion |
Adds the specified number to the food exhaustion. Only positive numbers expected. |
CalcLevelFromXp |
XPAmount |
number |
(STATIC) Returns the level which is reached with the specified amount of XP. Inverse of XpForLevel(). |
CanFly |
bool |
Returns if the player is able to fly. |
CloseWindow |
[CanRefuse] |
Closes the currently open UI window. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing. |
CloseWindowIfID |
WindowID, [CanRefuse] |
Closes the currently open UI window if its ID matches the given ID. If CanRefuse is true (default), the window may refuse the closing. |
DeltaExperience |
DeltaXP |
Adds or removes XP from the current XP amount. Won't allow XP to go negative. Returns the new experience, -1 on error (XP overflow). |
Feed |
AddFood, AddSaturation |
bool |
Tries to add the specified amounts to food level and food saturation level (only positive amounts expected). Returns true if player was hungry and the food was consumed, false if too satiated. |
ForceSetSpeed |
Direction |
Forces the player to move to the given direction. |
Freeze |
Location |
Teleports the player to "Location" and prevents them from moving, locking them in place until unfreeze() is called |
GetClientHandle |
cClientHandle |
Returns the client handle representing the player's connection. May be nil (AI players). |
GetColor |
string |
Returns the full color code to be used for this player's messages (based on their rank). Prefix player messages with this code. |
GetCurrentXp |
number |
Returns the current amount of XP |
GetCustomName |
string |
Returns the custom name of this player. If the player hasn't a custom name, it will return an empty string. |
GetEffectiveGameMode |
GameMode |
(OBSOLETE) Returns the current resolved game mode of the player. If the player is set to inherit the world's gamemode, returns that instead. See also GetGameMode() and IsGameModeXXX() functions. Note that this function is the same as GetGameMode(), use that function instead. |
GetEquippedItem |
cItem |
Returns the item that the player is currently holding; empty item if holding nothing. |
GetEyeHeight |
number |
Returns the height of the player's eyes, in absolute coords |
GetEyePosition |
EyePositionVector |
Returns the position of the player's eyes, as a Vector3d |
GetFloaterID |
number |
Returns the Entity ID of the fishing hook floater that belongs to the player. Returns -1 if no floater is associated with the player. FIXME: Undefined behavior when the player has used multiple fishing rods simultanously. |
GetFlyingMaxSpeed |
number |
Returns the maximum flying speed, relative to the default game flying speed. Defaults to 1, but plugins may modify it for faster or slower flying. |
GetFoodExhaustionLevel |
number |
Returns the food exhaustion level |
GetFoodLevel |
number |
Returns the food level (number of half-drumsticks on-screen) |
GetFoodSaturationLevel |
number |
Returns the food saturation (overcharge of the food level, is depleted before food level) |
GetFoodTickTimer |
Returns the number of ticks past the last food-based heal or damage action; when this timer reaches 80, a new heal / damage is applied. |
GetGameMode |
GameMode |
Returns the player's gamemode. The player may have their gamemode unassigned, in which case they inherit the gamemode from the current world. NOTE: Instead of comparing the value returned by this function to the gmXXX constants, use the IsGameModeXXX() functions. These functions handle the gamemode inheritance automatically. |
GetIP |
string |
Returns the IP address of the player, if available. Returns an empty string if there's no IP to report. |
GetInventory |
Inventory |
Returns the player's inventory |
GetLastBedPos |
Vector3i |
Returns the position of the last bed the player has slept in, or the world's spawn if no such position was recorded. |
GetMaxSpeed |
number |
Returns the player's current maximum speed, relative to the game default speed. Takes into account the sprinting / flying status. |
GetName |
string |
Returns the player's name |
GetNormalMaxSpeed |
number |
Returns the player's maximum walking speed, relative to the game default speed. Defaults to 1, but plugins may modify it for faster or slower walking. |
GetPermissions |
array-table of strings |
Returns the list of all permissions that the player has assigned to them through their rank. |
GetPlayerListName |
string |
Returns the name that is used in the playerlist. |
GetRestrictions |
(undocumented) |
GetSprintingMaxSpeed |
number |
Returns the player's maximum sprinting speed, relative to the game default speed. Defaults to 1.3, but plugins may modify it for faster or slower sprinting. |
GetStance |
number |
Returns the player's stance (Y-pos of player's eyes) |
GetTeam |
cTeam |
Returns the team that the player belongs to, or nil if none. |
GetThrowSpeed |
SpeedCoeff |
Vector3d |
Returns the speed vector for an object thrown with the specified speed coeff. Basically returns the normalized look vector multiplied by the coeff, with a slight random variation. |
GetThrowStartPos |
Vector3d |
Returns the position where the projectiles should start when thrown by this player. |
string |
Returns the (short) UUID that the player is using. Could be empty string for players that don't have a Mojang account assigned to them (in the future, bots for example). |
GetWindow |
cWindow |
Returns the currently open UI window. If the player doesn't have any UI window open, returns the inventory window. |
GetXpLevel |
number |
Returns the current XP level (based on current XP amount). |
GetXpLifetimeTotal |
number |
Returns the amount of XP that has been accumulated throughout the player's lifetime. |
GetXpPercentage |
number |
Returns the percentage of the experience bar - the amount of XP towards the next XP level. Between 0 and 1. |
HasCustomName |
bool |
Returns true if the player has a custom name. |
HasPermission |
PermissionString |
bool |
Returns true if the player has the specified permission |
Heal |
HitPoints |
Heals the player by the specified amount of HPs. Only positive amounts are expected. Sends a health update to the client. |
IsEating |
bool |
Returns true if the player is currently eating the item in their hand. |
IsFishing |
bool |
Returns true if the player is currently fishing |
IsFlying |
bool |
Returns true if the player is flying. |
IsFrozen |
bool |
Returns true if the player is frozen. See Freeze() |
IsGameModeAdventure |
bool |
Returns true if the player is in the gmAdventure gamemode, or has their gamemode unset and the world is a gmAdventure world. |
IsGameModeCreative |
bool |
Returns true if the player is in the gmCreative gamemode, or has their gamemode unset and the world is a gmCreative world. |
IsGameModeSpectator |
bool |
Returns true if the player is in the gmSpectator gamemode, or has their gamemode unset and the world is a gmSpectator world. |
IsGameModeSurvival |
bool |
Returns true if the player is in the gmSurvival gamemode, or has their gamemode unset and the world is a gmSurvival world. |
IsInBed |
bool |
Returns true if the player is currently lying in a bed. |
IsSatiated |
bool |
Returns true if the player is satiated (cannot eat). |
IsVisible |
bool |
Returns true if the player is visible to other players |
LoadRank |
Reloads the player's rank, message visuals and permissions from the cRankManager, based on the player's current rank. |
LoginSetGameMode |
(undocumented) |
OpenWindow |
Window |
Opens the specified UI window for the player. |
PermissionMatches |
Permission, Template |
bool |
(STATIC) Returns true if the specified permission matches the specified template. The template may contain wildcards. |
PlaceBlock |
BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockType, BlockMeta |
bool |
Places a block while impersonating the player. The HOOK_PLAYER_PLACING_BLOCK hook is called before the placement, and if it succeeds, the block is placed and the HOOK_PLAYER_PLACED_BLOCK hook is called. Returns true iff the block is successfully placed. Assumes that the block is in a currently loaded chunk. |
Respawn |
Restores the health, extinguishes fire, makes visible and sends the Respawn packet. |
SendAboveActionBarMessage |
Message |
Sends the specified message to the player (shows above action bar, doesn't show for < 1.8 clients). |
SendBlocksAround |
BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, [Range] |
Sends all the world's blocks in Range from the specified coords to the player, as a BlockChange packet. Range defaults to 1 (only one block sent). |
SendMessage |
Message |
Sends the specified message to the player. |
SendMessageFailure |
Message |
Prepends Rose [INFO] / colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. For a command that failed to run because of insufficient permissions, etc. |
SendMessageFatal |
Message |
Prepends Red [FATAL] / colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. For something serious, such as a plugin crash, etc. |
SendMessageInfo |
Message |
Prepends Yellow [INFO] / colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. Informational message, such as command usage, etc. |
SendMessagePrivateMsg |
Message, SenderName |
Prepends Light Blue [MSG: *SenderName*] / prepends SenderName and colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. For private messaging. |
SendMessageSuccess |
Message |
Prepends Green [INFO] / colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. Success notification. |
SendMessageWarning |
Message, Sender |
Prepends Rose [WARN] / colours entire text (depending on ShouldUseChatPrefixes()) and sends message to player. Denotes that something concerning, such as plugin reload, is about to happen. |
SendRotation |
YawDegrees, PitchDegrees |
Sends the specified rotation to the player, forcing them to look that way |
SendSystemMessage |
Message |
Sends the specified message to the player (doesn't show for < 1.8 clients). |
SetBedPos |
Position, [World] |
Sets the position and world of the player's respawn point, which is also known as the bed position. The player will respawn at this position and world upon death. If the world is not specified, it is set to the player's current world. |
SetCanFly |
CanFly |
Sets if the player can fly or not. |
SetCapabilities |
(undocumented) |
SetCrouch |
IsCrouched |
Sets the crouch state, broadcasts the change to other players. |
SetCurrentExperience |
XPAmount |
Sets the current amount of experience (and indirectly, the XP level). |
SetCustomName |
string |
Sets the custom name of this player. If you want to disable the custom name, simply set an empty string. The custom name will be used in the tab-list, in the player nametag and in the tab-completion. |
SetFlying |
IsFlying |
Sets if the player is flying or not. |
SetFlyingMaxSpeed |
FlyingMaxSpeed |
Sets the flying maximum speed, relative to the game default speed. The default value is 1. Sends the updated speed to the client. |
SetFoodExhaustionLevel |
ExhaustionLevel |
Sets the food exhaustion to the specified level. |
SetFoodLevel |
FoodLevel |
Sets the food level (number of half-drumsticks on-screen) |
SetFoodSaturationLevel |
FoodSaturationLevel |
Sets the food saturation (overcharge of the food level). |
SetFoodTickTimer |
FoodTickTimer |
Sets the number of ticks past the last food-based heal or damage action; when this timer reaches 80, a new heal / damage is applied. |
SetGameMode |
NewGameMode |
Sets the gamemode for the player. The new gamemode overrides the world's default gamemode, unless it is set to gmInherit. |
SetIsFishing |
IsFishing, [FloaterEntityID] |
Sets the 'IsFishing' flag for the player. The floater entity ID is expected for the true variant, it can be omitted when IsFishing is false. FIXME: Undefined behavior when multiple fishing rods are used simultanously |
SetName |
Name |
Sets the player name. This rename will NOT be visible to any players already in the server who are close enough to see this player. |
SetNormalMaxSpeed |
NormalMaxSpeed |
Sets the normal (walking) maximum speed, relative to the game default speed. The default value is 1. Sends the updated speed to the client, if appropriate. |
SetSprint |
IsSprinting |
Sets whether the player is sprinting or not. |
SetSprintingMaxSpeed |
SprintingMaxSpeed |
Sets the sprinting maximum speed, relative to the game default speed. The default value is 1.3. Sends the updated speed to the client, if appropriate. |
SetTeam |
Team |
Moves the player to the specified team. |
SetVisible |
IsVisible |
Sets the player visibility to other players |
TossEquippedItem |
[Amount] |
Tosses the item that the player has selected in their hotbar. Amount defaults to 1. |
TossHeldItem |
[Amount] |
Tosses the item held by the cursor, then the player is in a UI window. Amount defaults to 1. |
TossPickup |
Item |
Tosses a pickup newly created from the specified item. |
Unfreeze |
Allows the player to move again, canceling the effects of Freeze() |
XpForLevel |
XPLevel |
number |
(STATIC) Returns the total amount of XP needed for the specified XP level. Inverse of CalcLevelFromXp(). |
Name | Parameters | Return value | Notes |
AddPosX |
OffsetX |
Moves the entity by the specified amount in the X axis direction |
AddPosY |
OffsetY |
Moves the entity by the specified amount in the Y axis direction |
AddPosZ |
OffsetZ |
Moves the entity by the specified amount in the Z axis direction |
AddPosition |
OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ |
Moves the entity by the specified amount in each axis direction |
AddPosition |
Offset |
Moves the entity by the specified amount in each direction |
AddSpeed |
AddX, AddY, AddZ |
Adds the specified amount of speed in each axis direction. |
AddSpeed |
Add |
Adds the specified amount of speed in each axis direction. |
AddSpeedX |
AddX |
Adds the specified amount of speed in the X axis direction. |
AddSpeedY |
AddY |
Adds the specified amount of speed in the Y axis direction. |
AddSpeedZ |
AddZ |
Adds the specified amount of speed in the Z axis direction. |
ArmorCoversAgainst |
DamageType |
boolean |
Returns whether armor will protect against the specified damage type |
Destroy |
[ShouldBroadcast] |
Schedules the entity to be destroyed; if ShouldBroadcast is not present or set to true, broadcasts the DestroyEntity packet |
GetAirDrag |
(undocumented) |
GetAirLevel |
number |
Returns the air level (number of ticks of air left). Note, this function is only updated with mobs or players. |
GetArmorCoverAgainst |
AttackerEntity, DamageType, RawDamage |
number |
Returns the number of hitpoints out of RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover. See TakeDamageInfo for more information on attack damage. |
GetChunkX |
number |
Returns the X-coord of the chunk in which the entity is placed |
GetChunkZ |
number |
Returns the Z-coord of the chunk in which the entity is placed |
GetClass |
string |
Returns the classname of the entity, such as "cSpider" or "cPickup" |
GetClassStatic |
string |
Returns the entity classname that this class implements. Each descendant overrides this function. Is static |
GetEntityType |
EntityType |
Returns the type of the entity, one of the etXXX constants. Note that to check specific entity type, you should use one of the IsXXX functions instead of comparing the value returned by this call. |
GetEquippedBoots |
cItem |
Returns the boots that the entity has equipped. Returns an empty cItem if no boots equipped or not applicable. |
GetEquippedChestplate |
cItem |
Returns the chestplate that the entity has equipped. Returns an empty cItem if no chestplate equipped or not applicable. |
GetEquippedHelmet |
cItem |
Returns the helmet that the entity has equipped. Returns an empty cItem if no helmet equipped or not applicable. |
GetEquippedLeggings |
cItem |
Returns the leggings that the entity has equipped. Returns an empty cItem if no leggings equipped or not applicable. |
GetEquippedWeapon |
cItem |
Returns the weapon that the entity has equipped. Returns an empty cItem if no weapon equipped or not applicable. |
GetGravity |
number |
Returns the number that is used as the gravity for physics simulation. 1G (9.78) by default. |
GetHeadYaw |
number |
Returns the pitch of the entity's head (FIXME: Rename to GetHeadPitch() ). |
GetHealth |
number |
Returns the current health of the entity. |
GetHeight |
number |
Returns the height (Y size) of the entity |
GetInvulnerableTicks |
number |
Returns the number of ticks that this entity will be invulnerable for. This is used for after-hit recovery - the entities are invulnerable for half a second after being hit. |
GetKnockbackAmountAgainst |
ReceiverEntity |
number |
Returns the amount of knockback that the currently equipped items would cause when attacking the ReceiverEntity. |
GetLookVector |
Vector3f |
Returns the vector that defines the direction in which the entity is looking |
GetMass |
number |
Returns the mass of the entity. Currently unused. |
GetMaxHealth |
number |
Returns the maximum number of hitpoints this entity is allowed to have. |
GetParentClass |
string |
Returns the name of the direct parent class for this entity |
GetPitch |
number |
Returns the pitch (nose-down rotation) of the entity. Measured in degrees, normal values range from -90 to +90. +90 means looking down, 0 means looking straight ahead, -90 means looking up. |
GetPosX |
number |
Returns the X-coord of the entity's pivot |
GetPosY |
number |
Returns the Y-coord of the entity's pivot |
GetPosZ |
number |
Returns the Z-coord of the entity's pivot |
GetPosition |
Vector3d |
Returns the entity's pivot position as a 3D vector |
GetRawDamageAgainst |
ReceiverEntity |
number |
Returns the raw damage that this entity's equipment would cause when attacking the ReceiverEntity. This includes this entity's weapon enchantments, but excludes the receiver's armor or potion effects. See TakeDamageInfo for more information on attack damage. |
GetRoll |
number |
Returns the roll (sideways rotation) of the entity. Currently unused. |
GetSpeed |
Vector3d |
Returns the complete speed vector of the entity |
GetSpeedX |
number |
Returns the X-part of the speed vector |
GetSpeedY |
number |
Returns the Y-part of the speed vector |
GetSpeedZ |
number |
Returns the Z-part of the speed vector |
GetTicksAlive |
number |
Returns the number of ticks that this entity has been alive for. |
GetUniqueID |
number |
Returns the ID that uniquely identifies the entity within the running server. Note that this ID is not persisted to the data files. |
GetWidth |
number |
Returns the width (X and Z size) of the entity. |
GetWorld |
cWorld |
Returns the world where the entity resides |
GetYaw |
number |
Returns the yaw (direction) of the entity. Measured in degrees, values range from -180 to +180. 0 means ZP, 90 means XM, -180 means ZM, -90 means XP. |
HandleSpeedFromAttachee |
ForwardAmount, SidewaysAmount |
Updates the entity's speed based on the attachee exerting the specified force forward and sideways. Used for entities being driven by other entities attached to them - usually players driving minecarts and boats. |
Heal |
Hitpoints |
Heals the specified number of hitpoints. Hitpoints is expected to be a positive number. |
IsA |
ClassName |
bool |
Returns true if the entity class is a descendant of the specified class name, or the specified class itself |
IsBoat |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is a boat. |
IsCrouched |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is crouched. Always false for entities that don't support crouching. |
IsDestroyed |
bool |
(DEPRECATED) Please use cEntity:IsTicking(). |
IsEnderCrystal |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is an ender crystal. |
IsExpOrb |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents an experience orb |
IsFallingBlock |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a cFallingBlock entity. |
IsFireproof |
bool |
Returns true if the entity takes no damage from being on fire. |
IsFloater |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a fishing rod floater |
IsInvisible |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is invisible |
IsItemFrame |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is an item frame. |
IsMinecart |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a minecart |
IsMob |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents any mob. |
IsOnFire |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is on fire |
IsOnGround |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is on ground (not falling, not jumping, not flying) |
IsPainting |
bool |
Returns if this entity is a painting. |
IsPawn |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is a cPawn descendant. |
IsPickup |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a pickup. |
IsPlayer |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a player |
IsProjectile |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is a cProjectileEntity descendant. |
IsRclking |
bool |
Currently unimplemented |
IsRiding |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is attached to (riding) another entity. |
IsSprinting |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is sprinting. Entities that cannot sprint return always false |
IsSubmerged |
bool |
Returns true if the mob or player is submerged in water (head is in a water block). Note, this function is only updated with mobs or players. |
IsSwimming |
bool |
Returns true if the mob or player is swimming in water (feet are in a water block). Note, this function is only updated with mobs or players. |
bool |
Returns true if the entity represents a TNT entity |
IsTicking |
bool |
Returns true if the entity is valid and ticking. Returns false if the entity is not ticking and is about to leave its current world either via teleportation or destruction. If this returns false, you must stop using the cEntity pointer you have. |
Killed |
Victim |
This entity has killed another entity (the Victim). For players, adds the scoreboard statistics about the kill. |
MoveToWorld |
WorldName, [ShouldSendRespawn] |
bool |
Removes the entity from this world and starts moving it to the specified world's spawn point. Note that to avoid deadlocks, the move is asynchronous - the entity is moved into a queue and will be moved from that queue into the destination world at some (unpredictable) time in the future. ShouldSendRespawn is used only for players, it specifies whether the player should be sent a Repawn packet upon leaving the world (The client handles respawns only between different dimensions). OBSOLETE, use ScheduleMoveToWorld() instead. |
MoveToWorld |
World, ShouldSendRespawn, Position |
bool |
Removes the entity from this world and starts moving it to the specified world. Note that to avoid deadlocks, the move is asynchronous - the entity is moved into a queue and will be moved from that queue into the destination world at some (unpredictable) time in the future. ShouldSendRespawn is used only for players, it specifies whether the player should be sent a Repawn packet upon leaving the world (The client handles respawns only between different dimensions). The Position parameter specifies the location that the entity should be placed in, in the new world. OBSOLETE, use ScheduleMoveToWorld() instead. |
MoveToWorld |
World, [ShouldSendRespawn] |
bool |
Removes the entity from this world and starts moving it to the specified world's spawn point. Note that to avoid deadlocks, the move is asynchronous - the entity is moved into a queue and will be moved from that queue into the destination world at some (unpredictable) time in the future. ShouldSendRespawn is used only for players, it specifies whether the player should be sent a Repawn packet upon leaving the world (The client handles respawns only between different dimensions). OBSOLETE, use ScheduleMoveToWorld() instead. |
ScheduleMoveToWorld |
World, NewPosition, [ShouldSetPortalCooldown] |
Schedules a MoveToWorld call to occur on the next Tick of the entity. If ShouldSetPortalCooldown is false (default), doesn't set any portal cooldown, if it is true, the default portal cooldown is applied to the entity. |
SetAirDrag |
(undocumented) |
SetGravity |
Gravity |
Sets the number that is used as the gravity for physics simulation. 1G (9.78) by default. |
SetHeadYaw |
HeadPitch |
Sets the head pitch (FIXME: Rename to SetHeadPitch() ). |
SetHealth |
Hitpoints |
Sets the entity's health to the specified amount of hitpoints. Doesn't broadcast any hurt animation. Doesn't kill the entity if health drops below zero. Use the TakeDamage() function instead for taking damage. |
SetHeight |
FIXME: Remove this from API |
SetInvulnerableTicks |
NumTicks |
Sets the amount of ticks for which the entity will not receive any damage from other entities. |
SetIsFireproof |
IsFireproof |
Sets whether the entity receives damage from being on fire. |
SetMass |
Mass |
Sets the mass of the entity. Currently unused. |
SetMaxHealth |
MaxHitpoints |
Sets the maximum hitpoints of the entity. If current health is above MaxHitpoints, it is capped to MaxHitpoints. |
SetPitch |
number |
Sets the pitch (nose-down rotation) of the entity |
SetPitchFromSpeed |
Sets the entity pitch to match its speed (entity looking forwards as it moves) |
SetPosX |
number |
Sets the X-coord of the entity's pivot |
SetPosY |
number |
Sets the Y-coord of the entity's pivot |
SetPosZ |
number |
Sets the Z-coord of the entity's pivot |
SetPosition |
PosX, PosY, PosZ |
Sets all three coords of the entity's pivot |
SetPosition |
Vector3d |
Sets all three coords of the entity's pivot |
SetRoll |
number |
Sets the roll (sideways rotation) of the entity. Currently unused. |
SetSpeed |
SpeedX, SpeedY, SpeedZ |
Sets the current speed of the entity |
SetSpeed |
Speed |
Sets the current speed of the entity |
SetSpeedX |
SpeedX |
Sets the X component of the entity speed |
SetSpeedY |
SpeedY |
Sets the Y component of the entity speed |
SetSpeedZ |
SpeedZ |
Sets the Z component of the entity speed |
SetWidth |
FIXME: Remove this from API |
SetYaw |
number |
Sets the yaw (direction) of the entity. |
SetYawFromSpeed |
Sets the entity's yaw to match its current speed (entity looking forwards as it moves). |
StartBurning |
NumTicks |
Sets the entity on fire for the specified number of ticks. If entity is on fire already, makes it burn for either NumTicks or the number of ticks left from the previous fire, whichever is larger. |
SteerVehicle |
ForwardAmount, SidewaysAmount |
Applies the specified steering to the vehicle this entity is attached to. Ignored if not attached to any entity. |
StopBurning |
Extinguishes the entity fire, cancels all fire timers. |
TakeDamage |
AttackerEntity |
Causes this entity to take damage that AttackerEntity would inflict. Includes their weapon and this entity's armor. |
TakeDamage |
DamageType, ArrackerEntity, RawDamage, FinalDamage, KnockbackAmount |
Causes this entity to take damage of the specified type, from the specified attacker (may be nil). The values are wrapped into a TakeDamageInfo structure and applied directly. |
TakeDamage |
DamageType, AttackerEntity, RawDamage, KnockbackAmount |
Causes this entity to take damage of the specified type, from the specified attacker (may be nil). The final damage is calculated from RawDamage using the currently equipped armor. |
TeleportToCoords |
PosX, PosY, PosZ |
Teleports the entity to the specified coords. Asks plugins if the teleport is allowed. |
TeleportToEntity |
DestEntity |
Teleports this entity to the specified destination entity. Asks plugins if the teleport is allowed. |