This function is called in each server tick for each player that has sent any of the
player-move packets. Plugins may refuse the movement.
Callback function
The default name for the callback function is OnPlayerMoving. It has the following signature:
function OnPlayerMoving(Player, OldPosition, NewPosition)
Name | Type | Notes |
Player | cPlayer | The player who has moved. The object already has the new position stored in it. |
OldPosition | Vector3d | The old position. |
NewPosition | Vector3d | The new position. |
If the function returns true, movement is prohibited.
If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and finally the new
position is permanently stored in the cPlayer object.
Code examplesRegistering the callback
cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_MOVING, MyOnPlayerMoving);