This hook is called when the player shoots their bow. It is called for the actual
release of the arrow. FIXME: It is currently unknown whether other
projectiles (snowballs, eggs) trigger this hook.
To get the player's position and direction, use the cPlayer:GetEyePosition() and
cPlayer:GetLookVector() functions. Note that for shooting a bow, the position for the arrow creation
is not at the eye pos, some adjustments are required. FIXME: Export the cPlayer function for
this adjustment.
Callback function
The default name for the callback function is OnPlayerShooting. It has the following signature:
function OnPlayerShooting(Player)
Name | Type | Notes |
Player | cPlayer | The player shooting |
If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
Cuberite creates the projectile. If the functino returns true, no other callback is called and no
projectile is created.
Code examplesRegistering the callbackcPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_SHOOTING, MyOnPlayerShooting);